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Saturday, August 28, 2010


Fatigue and Job Satisfaction among Health Care Professionals: Issues, Challenges and Strategies
by Dr.Hardik Shah and Prof. Nina Muncherjee

Abstract: Rising demand for health care, shortage of competent health care professionals (doctors), and brain drain of health care professionals to different countries and the rising costs of health care facilities are powerful factors stimulating the revision of the role of the health care professionals and policies
managing them. In this kind of ever changing market scenario the growing incidence of fatigue-related diseases among health care professionals and cases of job dissatisfaction are on the increase and affecting the quality of services. There exist many studies on relationship of Job Satisfaction (JS) and stress, motivation and individual performance but the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Fatigue,
particularly for the health care professionals in Indian context, remains largely unexplored. This acted as motivator for the researchers to conduct this research work and explore the area. The research study was carried with questionnaire survey and in-depth interview with a sample of 110 Health Care Professionals from different hospitals and different specializations namely Surgeons, Physicians, Orthopedics and
Homeopathic doctors. The study has explored different dimensions of fatigue and job satisfaction among health care professionals. It has found that there exists negative correlation between fatigue and job satisfaction. It also explored the different issues and challenges facing the health care professionals and
evolved strategies to keep them motivated, free of fatigue and with high level of job satisfaction to serve their patients with a smile.

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