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Tuesday, September 7, 2010



1.Discovering or Identifying Training needs: A training program is designed to assist in providing solutions for specific operational problems or to improve performance of a trainee.
oOrganizational determination and Analysis: Allocation of resources that relate to organizational goal.
oOperational Analysis: Determination of a specific employee behaviour required for a particular task.
oMan Analysis: Knowledge, attitude and skill one must possess for attainment of organizational objectives

2.Getting ready for the job: The trainer has to be prepared for the job. And also who needs to be trained - the newcomer or the existing employee or the supervisory staff.

3.Preparation of the learner:
oPutting the learner at ease
oStating the importance and ingredients of the job
oCreating interest
oPlacing the learner as close to his normal working position
oFamiliarizing him with the equipment, materials and trade terms

4.Presentation of Operation and Knowledge: The trainer should clearly tell, show, illustrate and question in order to convey the new knowledge and operations. The trainee should be encouraged to ask questions in order to indicate that he really knows and understands the job.

5.Performance Try out: The trainee is asked to go through the job several times. This gradually builds up his skill, speed and confidence.

6.Follow-up: This evaluates the effectiveness of the entire training effort
The Sequence of Training Program can be put in a Flowchart as below:
Discovering or Identifying Training Needs -> Getting Ready for the job -> Preparation of Learner (Creating desire) -> Presentation of Operation & Knowledge -> Performance Try out -> Follow up and Evaluation


An effective training fulfills the following criteria:
1.Adaptation of the technique/method to the learner and the job
2.Provides motivation to the trainee to improve job performance
3.Creates trainee's active participation in the learning process
4.Provide knowledge of results about attempts to improve

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